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Beauty, Life, Nature, Photography

Ways to find Hidden Beauty in Life || Weekly Photo Challenge: Hidden

Patience. Searching.

Sometimes little vignettes of beauty are found by these two totally different ways, one passive and one active. Oftentimes by a combination, getting out and opening your eyes to look for beauty and patiently waiting for it to appear.

And, of course, serendipity, lady luck, the perfect moment captured for all time. When opportunity knocks, make sure the camera’s ready!

The little brown rabbit on the way to the Grand Canyon, hidden till it bounded into view and stopped to pose for a moment. The perfect strawberries in my garden, luscious and red, partially hidden till I moved the leaves aside for a better view. The bear in Yosemite, suddenly appearing, ambled across a meadow and was hidden from view again. The lizard in Utah, camouflaged so well on the rock, was hidden till it made an incremental movement. The glistening niche-like cave with lush green plants in Northern California, hidden behind the waterfall, hinting at cool secrets.

So, look out for the hidden moments of beauty. Often, they are unique and short lived. Once gone, they can never be experienced again.

A rabbit, hidden in the brush, bounds into view and stops

A rabbit, hidden in the brush, bounds into view and stops!

Strawberries, luscious and red, partially hidden beneath green leaves

Strawberries, luscious and red, partially hidden beneath green leaves are a burst of sweetness in the mouth

A bear ambles across a Yosemite meadow

A bear ambles across a Yosemite meadow

A hidden lizard in Utah, well camouflaged on a rock

A hidden lizard in Utah, well camouflaged on a rock

A cave in Yosemite with lush green plants, hidden behind a waterfall

A cave in Yosemite with lush green plants, hidden behind a waterfall

About sjoflife

Simple person with simple joys. Mother. Gardener. Nature lover. Sometimes, a cleanliness nut. On a de-cluttering mission- a constant battle with my pack rat nature! Believe that education & awareness can solve most problems. SF Bay Area, California. Life’s short; let’s live joyfully!


3 thoughts on “Ways to find Hidden Beauty in Life || Weekly Photo Challenge: Hidden

  1. All of these are great! Two favorites – love the bunny! – and it took a minute to find the lizard… very nice shot!

    Posted by Find Focus | December 30, 2011, 2:09 pm
  2. Beautiful photos. I really like the hidden lizard 🙂

    Posted by Northern Narratives | November 4, 2011, 11:16 am

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